Monday, November 24, 2008

Perth Airport- Day 51

November 22, 2008
Day-51, Perth Australia
Venue: Perth Airport

brad and i are in the qantas lounge having some toast and vegemite and a flat white (that's what they call a latte in australia).australians have little cute expressions for everything and they abbreviate words and put an o on the end of them, like freo for freemantel or brissie for brisbane. it's kinda endearing but i don't know if i really get it. a good friend of brad and i has been tour managing us here and he has done a great job, his name is tim peterson and i would highly recommend him as a tour manager and sound guy. we also had a really great guitar tech called alex grand from glasgow, and all in all the shows went smoothly and were good, thanks for the hardwork guys!!! god, i've become incredibly boring..... this touring has become hard work-a-day and your reality becomes quite narrow in scope and size. in any case the canadian dates start up in a few days. brad and i will go to melbourne for the next two nights where upon i shall present someone with an air award and sing a beegees song. oren and matt are off to new zealand where they will be having there long awaited honeymoon....... then we are off to vancouver on tuesday and we start up again. we'll have a new crew but both guys i know and are great. the greenlandic clothes have been shipped to canada so hopefully they are there, i hear it's cold in canada.
tired but content enough. i think my favorite show in australia was in adelaide and one of the highlights of the trip was having a dip yesterday in the indian ocean. over and out


Sundown said...

glad to hear you've gotten some R&R Martha! :)

amyphun said...

thanks for the beer Martha. Sorry it didn't shut me up. Where did you get those socks, i have some knee flab that needs to be pushed up....

Gilly said...

Whenever I have been studying (on an off over the years) it has felt essential for me to know something about the person who wrote the philosophy/case studies etc. it makes it real or not as the case may be. Having recently discovered your music and then following your blog HAS made your music real to me. So thanks for blogging Martha and I for one think that you and Brad are real troopers!

Lea said...

Hey Martha,

Loved the show in Hepburn. Went with my cousin (who had also seen you the previous evening @ the forum) not knowing much about you or your music. Such a delightful show. Thanks for signing my CD'S and knickers.

Merry Christmas Ms Martha.

Cheers, Lea.